Welcome to our website
In 2024, The Star will offer expanded selections of community news and calendar events occurring in Idyllwild and in the mountain communities. Sharing the good news and giving a factual report as to the issues concerning the region..
During this year of polictical, economic, and spiritual challenges in our world, some will see the connection and some will not. It is the purpose of The Star to be encouraging, uplifting and deliver integrity in reporting matters facing our world including those issues that are as close as our own door.
We do reserve the right to decline publishing articles that are not backed by factual documentation. Publishing of Letters to The Editor are published for the purpose of providing a safe place for dialog between the people and the government. The Star is not a place for bashing or bullying individuals. We are not affiliated with any political group or organization and do not endorse any political party or individual in their political views. The Star does accept press releases from governmental officials and reserves the right to publish or not to publish based upon being provided documentation to back the information.
The Star takes interest in encouraging young writers, new authors, and artist that are an expression of the region and local community. We encourage the youth in participating in community service and offer students a place to express their talent in writing, graphic design and take interest in entrauperner opportunities.