Publisher and CEO, JoAnne (Monroe) Matthews has over 50 years in marketing business - 15 years in education, 20+ years in journalism and 13 years in ministry. She has spent a life-time encouraging others to discover their God-given gifts and to develop those gifts to succeed.
"I have learned that success requires having a plan to succeed. It doesn't just happen. Even with the greatest of ideas, you don't just fall into success. If you ever find yourself receiving an inheritance, without a plan, you'll see it quickly disappear."
The Star-News shines a light on current issues and concerns facing Idyllwild and the surrounding Mountain Communities. The Star-News assignment is to tell your story, connecting you to those who will appreciate your products and services and see you in marketplace. This is one of the many ways we serve our community.
We The People - News
The Star-News has a credible history for reporting with integrity and holding fast to the original
Ethics of Journalism.
We promote women in business who fight against humanitarian issues, such as trafficking. We are not afraid to print the facts and trust that the public will read and make their own best conclusion based upon facts. We stand strong for our Constitutional Rights and our God-given freedom
and liberty.
The Marketplace
The Star-News introduces new individuals and exsisting businesses in the marketplace who collaborate together to achieve success.
The Star-News highlights these individuals with honor.
By telling their stories and sharing their accomplishments,
How do you connect? Are you a writer, photographer, traveler or artist? Are you in ministry or education? How do you connect with other like-minded people? Do you belong to a special interest group or just have a few friends who want to contribute in some way? If so, connect with
The Star-News at
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